On October 18th 2019, Pro Bono Lab will celebrate the second edition of Pro Bono Day, the National Day of Engagement through the Sharing of Skills (volunteer/sponsorship skills).
For the second year in a row, more than 30 stakeholders (economic and political decision-makers, sociologists, researchers and experts) will share their vision of pro bono, their reflections and their experiences.
The event, in partnership with the main players in citizen engagement (including Admical, AFF, Le Rameau, MicroDon, Fonda, Carenews, HelloAsso or Crédit Coopératif) will offer round tables, talks, meetings and workshops around of a shared conviction : “Pro bono as a purpose”.
During this event, Pro Bono Lab will launch the Pro Bono Week 2019 (October 21-25, 2019), International Week of Engagement through the Sharing of Skills, which honors each year pro bono in 30 countries worldwide .
More informations on www.probono-day.com