We talk on how to make online applications. Also, we explain which social problems can be solved within a support of social technologies. We believe, that both IT specialists and social activists can co-operate together, they just do not know how. Our job is to introduce them to each other.
Teplitsa of Social Technologies is an educational project aimimg to develop co-operation between non-profit sector and IT-specialists.
What do we want to achieve?
- Bridge the gap, initiate a dialog and build partnership between IT-specialists and social activists
- Create innovating network applications for citizen participation and solving social problems
- Improve the quality of service provided to NGOs
What do we do?
- Conduct a wide range of educational activities for IT-specialits and active citizens in order to identify social problems that can be sovled within support of new technologies;
- Deliver informational campaigns on developing web-applications in Russia and the world;
- Train NGOs staff and social activists in new technologies; Initiate dialog between social activists and IT-specialists. Online Pharmacy, buy sildalis,Free shipping, buy cialis black 800mg, Discount 10%